Thursday, August 27, 2020

International Management Group

Worldwide Management Group Worldwide Management Group is an undertaking that was quickly extending with Southeast Asia being its most recent period of colossal development. Its author and president Mark McCormack was thinking about the excursion the organization had taken to get one of the most mainstream bunch in the whole globe.Advertising We will compose a custom contextual analysis test on International Management Group explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More As for the year 2000, the corporation’s showcase estimation of American games remained at $200 billion and with this creation it the nation’s eleventh biggest industry. Among IMGs accomplishments was the way that the business was a delegate of gifted and amazing competitors. These incorporate tennis players Venus and Serena Williams and golf hotshot Tiger Woods. With an end goal to create, the organization had wandered in to different sorts of business, for example, claiming and overseeing games, TV creation, working games preparing foundations, and taking part in different organizations separated from sports related ones. At the age, of 71 years, McCormack was very nearly getting ready for retirement, be that as it may, this was not the fundamental issue within reach. The main issue was for the author and leader of IMG-McCormack to set up the accompanying board on approaches to increase the value of the company’s customers and reinforce the company’s serious position. The organization having just widened its extent of business the following vital advance is to keep up and save the current customers. At the equivalent, the business needs to draw in progressively top ability to the business. The new initiative that will come set up along with the current organization should concentrate on welcoming on board more games famous people. This enrollment will be a sign of their fantastic work and improvement. For example, welcoming on board other top golf players beside Tiger Woods will be hel pful to the organization, as it will upgrade their qualifications. Sports and melodic fields are territories that develop with time implying that today Tiger Woods could be the best golf player, at the same time, in the following two years, another person will have the title. Having some top golf players on board will expand their extent of exercises and, in this way, keep up the organization available. Then again, limiting the size and decent variety of IMG’s portfolio will just neutralize the company’s effectively famous name.Advertising Looking for contextual investigation on business financial aspects? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There are a few rivals in the games showcase for example; the arrangement of Octagon was through merger of Advantage and API and its time IMG solidified its underlying foundations by utilizing different administration devices. For example, re-organizing the company’s su pervisory group will help support the business’s thought, as a great many people will be on the administration board. Since the business is concentrating on extension and development through wandering in to different organizations, it is fundamental that it consider acquiring profoundly prepared and experienced experts who will be liable for managing the business group in different territories of business. For example, the idea of wandering in to another game separated from golf and tennis will call for experienced individuals in those fields that the organizer McCormack isn't comfortable. The work of experienced individuals will limit instances of specialists taking customers, similar to the case in 1999 when operator Jeffrey Schwartz quit IMG and left with three tennis stars. Experienced lawful firms with specialization in amusement and sports agreements would have been basic in the above circumstance. The re-organizing of the business the board will permit others to contri bute towards the organization of the business and maintain a strategic distance from the part of the organization attempting to work out everything all alone. In as much as the wandering into different games is a faulty advance, the organization will take essential measures to guarantee there is no difference of interests in its administrations. This will evade cases, for example, the 1991 claim by Dorothy Hamill. The extension approach that the IMG has taken by investigating undiscovered worldwide market in sports and diversion will continue the organization in the business for another more drawn out period. The more extensive the business it enters in the global market the more they require exceptionally prepared and experienced pros to assist them with taking care of the worldwide business issues.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Quality Management in Healthcare

Quality Management in Healthcare Presentation The requirement for quality administration in human services offices is an issue that numerous partners have been battling for throughout the years. As indicated by Arias (2000, p. 87), quality social insurance is one of the significant mainstays of the monetary advancement inside a given nation. Individuals ought to approach quality and reasonable medicinal services so as to stay solid and healthy.Advertising We will compose a custom contextual investigation test on Quality Management in Healthcare explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the ebb and flow society, there are various infections that may influence individuals of various social classes, and this may decrease their profitability. It is a result of this that numerous partners, including the administration and nongovernmental offices, have had the option to think of methods of improving help conveyance at different medicinal services foundations inside the nation. In the United States, the cen tral government, in close association with private non-benefit making associations, for example, Mayo Clinics, has improved the human services gauges inside the nation. Mayo has been utilizing various quality administration devices so as to improve its administration conveyance. As of now, the clinic is utilizing ISO 9001 standards to improve the nature of its administrations. Foundation of Mayo Clinic Mayo Clinic is one of the biggest non-benefit making private medicinal services organizations on the planet that offers a wide scope of clinical administrations to different individuals the nation over. In characterizing Mayo Clinics, Charantimath (2006, p. 78) says, â€Å"The Mayo Clinic is the world’s most seasoned and biggest coordinated multispecialty bunch clinical work on, joining clinical practice, instruction, and research at the territorial, national, and universal levels to help people with standard just as mind boggling human services needs.† From this definit ion, obviously The Mayo Clinic offers something beyond clinical administrations to the American populace. It is a coordinated group of multispecialty clinical professionals who are centered around offering clinical administrations, teaching youngsters keen on joining the clinical practice, and keeping up an elevated level of research in different regions of health.Advertising Looking for contextual investigation on wellbeing medication? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Founded in 1889 by William Worrall Mayo and his children, this establishment right now utilizes more than 3,800 doctors, and around 60,000 unified wellbeing staffs in different medical clinics inside the United States and everywhere throughout the world. It has encountered enormous development throughout the years to turn into the biggest and one of the most trustworthy social insurance habitats on the planet. As specified in their statement of purpose, Mayo i sn't simply centered around offering quality medicinal services to the individuals, yet it is additionally worried about finding the most ideal methods of dealing with a portion of the developing wellbeing confusions by drawing in its staffs in examine. With its central command in Rochester, Minnesota, Mayo Clinic has gotten one of the most solid human services organizations in North America. Its endeavors in innovative work has empowered it gotten one of the best non-benefit making human services associations in the whole area. Quality Management System at Mayo Clinic (Strengths) At Mayo, the administration has consistently been centered around offering quality medicinal services to all the patients who visit the office with different wellbeing difficulties. When William and his children began this office, they were keen on offering quality social insurance administrations to the American individuals. In any case, this association encountered various difficulties as the field of me dication began encountering changes because of mechanical headways (Donabedian 2003, p. 34). The association needed to adjust to the developing advancements so as to keep up the quality assistance arrangement to the patients. The dynamic authority at this association has seen it change in accordance with the innovative progression and different changes in this field to get one of the most trustworthy associations on the planet. Continually stressing on quality conveyance of human services benefits, this association has six traits of a perfect medicinal services conveyance framework as characterized by the Commonwealth Fund which shapes its primary quality (Charantimath 2006, p. 44).Advertising We will compose a custom contextual investigation test on Quality Management in Healthcare explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Information Continuity Information congruity is one of the most significant elements of value social insurance arrangement inside a human services o ffice (Wheeler Grice 2000, p. 81). At Mayo center, all offices are interconnected utilizing PCs and neighborhood that make data move extremely effective. When a client’s data is taken care of into the framework at the gathering, all the important divisions can get to the data on request. Any modification made in the data at any of the divisions will be reflected in other applicable offices. This implies the speed and unwavering quality of information move has gotten profoundly proficient. It has improved the nature of administrations offered inside the office. The data is overseen from a focal database as appeared in the graph underneath. Care Coordination and Transitions At Mayo, there is a reasonable framework that takes into consideration persistent consideration coordination among different specialists. There are situations where a patient experiences numerous wellbeing complexities that may require professionals in various fields. The administration has built up a framew ork where this is impossible with no type of strain. A clinical specialist in one office can without much of a stretch speak with another specialist in an alternate zone of claim to fame of the medicine that has been offered, and the means that ought to be taken to address different confusions. Such firmly planned correspondence between the experts wipes out any chance of misconception among the specialists. Framework Accountability Mayo Clinics have received an all out consideration arrangement on all the patients who visit their office as a method of improving the nature of administrations they convey. As indicated by Lighter (2011, p. 33), numerous clinical professionals have declined the soundness of their patients through indiscreet acts because of loosened up the executives frameworks at the establishments. This isn't the situation at Mayo Clinic.Advertising Searching for contextual analysis on wellbeing medication? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More At this office, each clinical official is considered responsible for any help rendered, and if any misstep emerges from any of the divisions visited by the patient, at that point the official who offered the administration is constantly considered dependable according to the organisation’s arrangements and standards. Companion Review and Teamwork for High-Value Care The friend survey and cooperation framework was acquainted at this office with assistance advance collaboration and duty inside different divisions. Under this framework, professionals in a particular field have the duty to survey works of friends in that office with the point of keeping up the best practice in their field. Any progressions occurring in that particular field would be shared by the individuals so as to improve its application inside the office. The focal point of this technique is to offer high esteem care by improving aptitudes and capabilities of the individual individuals from the staff. Constant Innovation In the present powerful world, development is one of the most significant devices that an association can use so as to guarantee that it offers consistent quality consideration to its customers (Kelly 2003, p. 45). At Mayo Clinic, the administration realizes that the main method of accomplishing its vision is to keep up ingenuity in its administration conveyance. This has been made conceivable by the examination unit of this firm. The scientists have been intrigued to distinguish the rising patterns in this field of human services and to create systems of managing it so as to guarantee that this firm stays dynamic. It has concocted better approaches for tending to different issues that at the office so as to keep up prevalent quality conveyance (Lighter Fair, 2000, p. 44). Simple Access to Appropriate Care According to Horch (2003, p. 78), medicinal services is one of the fundamental needs in the cutting edge society, and it ought to be effectively open to individuals fr om the general population. When offering human services administrations, it is important to guarantee that customers have the ability to get to their data and comprehend their wellbeing conditions when it is dictated by the specialists. This is one of the variables that Mayo Clinic has been resolved to improve its administration quality in the market. The Clinic has built up a correspondence framework in the entirety of its centers for simple recovery of data and dependable correspondence with the patients. The above characteristics have been viewed as perfect for a standard social insurance office, for example, Mayo Clinic. This has made this social insurance office one of the most favored foundations in North America. The above qualities have seen an ascent to the Mayo brand in the medicinal services area inside this district. They are viewed as an incorporated group of clinical specialists who are centered around recognizing any wellbeing confusion, advising their patients about their inconvenience, recommending routes through which such difficulties can be tended to, and utilizing the procedure that the patients decides to address the issue. This makes an inclination among the patients that at this office, they have a voice, and can settle on their own free decisions about how they ought to be dealt with dependent on their own inclinations. This quality has helped this firm grow its activities past the United States. It has likewise made it simple for it to raise assets from the well wishers who have now confided in it as one

Friday, August 21, 2020

Essay Writing Tips Learn from the Greatest

Essay Writing Tips Learn from the Greatest For many students, writing an essay is a daunting task. Often times, they don’t know where to begin. If students don’t know where to begin, they definitely don’t know where they will end up. Instead of letting them flounder through the writing process, break it down into manageable steps. Here are eight steps to share with your students. Instead of letting them flounder through the writing process, break it down into manageable steps. Here are eight steps to share with your students. Since youngster rarely do anything just because we tell them to, let some of the literary greats be the ones to break the news to your students. The success of these famous authors will (hopefully!) spur your young writers on to equal greatness. 1. Research Stephen King said, “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.” For essay writing, this tip is especially important. Students need to conduct thorough research until they become an expert on the topic. They should consult the internet, academic databases, journals, publications, and any other reputable source they can find. Encourage students to immerse themselves in the words of great thinkers. 2. Analyze Once students have a strong and knowledgeable foundation on the topic, they need to start analyzing the argument of the essay. They should define the claims they want to make, write out their reasoning for a particular stance, and find the corresponding evidence to back up that claim. Students need to sift through the research they accumulated to find the strengths and weaknesses of the logic. Elmore Leonard said, “I try to leave out the parts that people skip.” As such, analysis is one of the most important parts of essay writing. 3. Brainstorm In addition to all the mind-blowing evidence students will amass, they also need to have insight of their own. Encourage students to engage in brainstorming activities. A simple suggestion could be to make a list of questions related to the topic and come up with answers for each. When brainstorming, remind students there is no such thing as a wrong answer or too much thought. Ray Branbury said, “Quantity produces quality. If you only write a few things, you’re doomed.” This is especially true when it comes to brainstorming. 4. Condense Remind students they need to condense their ideas into a single thesis statement. Encourage them to take their best idea and run with it. Use a thesis statement to structure the entire essay. This will tell readers where they are going and why. Edgar Allen Poe could have easily substituted “essay” for “short story” when he stated: “A short story must have a single mood, and every sentence must build towards it.” 5. Outline At this stage, students might feel they are no better off than they were before they started research. Why? Because a pile of evidence is just as intimidating as a blank piece of paper. Where is a student supposed to go next? According to Erica Jong, “The hardest part is believing in yourself at the notebook state. It is like believing in dreams in the morning.” Students need to create an outline. This will help them organize their thoughts and begin to give their essay structure. Encourage them to write a one sentence description for each paragraph. Then, list bullet points to express what information each paragraph will contain. 6. Write Take the information from the outline and start writing. Students should skip the introduction and go straight for the meat of the essay. Each paragraph should be focused on a single idea that supports the thesis. And students need to support each ascertain with evidence. Remind students to expound on an idea, yet make their paragraphs concise and focused. Richard Hugo advises writers to “make the subject of the sentence you are writing different from the subject of the sentence you just wrote.” 7. Introduce and Conclude Now that students have written the majority of the essay, it is time to focus on the two most challenging aspects: the introduction and conclusion. If students try to write the introduction first, they may never make it past the opening paragraph. John Steinbeck could sympathize. “Abandon the idea that you are ever going to finish…write just one page for each day, it helps. Then when it gets finished, you are always surprised.”

Monday, May 25, 2020

Theories of Child Development Essay - 1010 Words

Theories abound around how people develop emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. This essay will examine the theories of five leaders on the subject of development. Jean Piaget believed in four stages of development that were fairly concrete in description (Atherton, 2010). 1. Sensorimotor stage (birth – 2 years old) – Children begin to make sense of the world around them based on their interaction with their physical environment. Reality begins to be defined. 2. Preoperational stage (ages 2-7) – Concrete physical stimuli are needed in order for a child to develop new concepts. 3. Concrete operations (ages 7-11) – As a child accumulates experience with the physical world, he/she begins to conceptualize to explain†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"An essential feature of learning is that it awakens a variety of internal developmental processes that are able to operate only when the child is in the action of interacting with people in his environment and in cooperation with his peers† (2004). Erik Erikson like Piaget had distinct stages of development assigned to specific ages. However Erikson ascribed development even into old age. Eight stages beginning with birth to old age described a conflict that had to be resolved by the person before moving on to the next, termed the epigenetic principle (Boeree, 2006). As each conflict is resolved a person gains strength to move on to a more complex battle. These struggles are inner conflicts revolving around Freud’s theories of ego, i.e. the first stage, birth to age one, trust vs mistrust is the conflict or stage eight, age 50 and beyond, integrity vs despair. As a situation arises a person has two ways of resolution, adaptive or maladaptive (Cramer, Flynn, LaFave, 1997). This conflict must be mastered before progressing. Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of the development of moral reasoning is laid out in seven stages, within three levels, preconventional, conventional and principled morality. The first stage being primitive reasoning (fear of punishment) moving to stage seven transcendental morality, one that uses religion to judgeShow MoreRelatedChild Development Theories1324 Words   |  6 PagesChild Developmental Theories Ashford University PSY 104 Child and Adolescent Psychology June 29, 2009 Child Developmental Theories While theorists have different ideas and perspectives, insight on child and adolescent development can assist teachers and parents in helping children reach their full developmental and learning potential. Having knowledge about the developmentRead MoreThe Theories Of Child Development1084 Words   |  5 Pagesimportant values and beliefs within their culture. All of this provides the foundations for cognitive development. As trainee teachers, it is fundamental that we have a deeper understanding of how children learn and how we can support learning. In order to do this we must first look at some of the theories of learning. Theories Prior to the early 20th century little interest was paid to how a child developed; indeed most early research appears to be based on abnormal childhood behaviour (Oates etRead MoreChild Development Theories1560 Words   |  7 PagesChild Development: An Examination of Three Theories There are a lot of theories regarding child development. Three of these theories are Bioecological Theory, Social-Cognitive Theory and Information-Processing Theory. This paper will discuss these theories by comparing and contrasting them. The first theory is the Bioecological Theory developed by Urie Bronfenbrenner. This theory is based on the nature vs. nurture idea. Bronfenbrenner believed development of a child was determinedRead MoreThe Theory Of Child Development858 Words   |  4 PagesSocial scientists have given us several theories on child development. There have been three influential theories that have really shaped how we look at the subject. Each one of these theories offers an insightful perspective that has been very influential in how we view child development. The first theory, we will delve into is George Herbert Meads Theory of the Social Self which focused on social interaction with developing human beings. Meads believed that, â€Å"a symbolic interactionist, saw theRead MoreThe Theory Of Child Development1053 Words   |  5 PagesArt educators that consider theories of child development when creating lesson plans, are more effective. As art educators, we understand that it is our respon sibility to educate ourselves on the latest research of art development in order to better serve our educational institutions through providing a quality art education for the future generations of innovators in America. Piaget’s stages of cognitive development stages thoroughly explain the biological transition that occurs in elementary schoolRead MoreThe Theory Of Child Development803 Words   |  4 PagesIn the early 19th Century, little attention was given to children development. Emphasis were based upon what a child would become as they get older( Green 2013)However, it was investigated by human developmental psychologist that Child development is relevant in relation to how individuals relate in the environment as well as the factors that influence human development. These psychologists developed the human developmental life span which is predominant in the society today, although remains unsubstantiatedRead MoreThe Theories Of Child Development1209 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction to development psychology From the beginning of the history, child development was not given an importance but now majority of people have understood its importance. 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This essay will consider differing theories of language development such as the be haviourist theory proposed by Skinner (1957)Read MoreThe Theory Of Child Development935 Words   |  4 Pages Lawrence Kohlberg was a developmental theorist who is best known for his specific and detailed theory of child development. Kohlberg believed that there were six stages of child development. He divided those stages into three levels of development. Level one; pre-conventional morality, a child doesn’t have a personal code of mortality and instead, their moral code is shaped by the standards of adults and the consequences of following or breaking of adult rules. Level two; conventional moralityRead MoreThe Theory of Child Development1636 Words   |  7 Pages The theory of child development, Temperament, is what this case study is based off of. Temperament is a person’s style of reacting to the world and relating to others. I will be judging â€Å"Alice† on the nine temperament traits on a ten point scale. Alice is my 2 year old cousin who knows me well because I frequently babysit her. I recently observed her personality on the nine traits. These traits include; intensity, persistence, sensitivity, perceptiveness, adaptability, regularity, energy, first

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The United States Health Care Disparity - 1483 Words

The U.S. healthcare has been dealing with disparities for centuries. These disparities can be racial, social, or economical. The disparities are easier to see when compared to other reference points, such as policies, procedure or protocol. Williams Torrens, 2008 list several disparities when it comes to patient care, such as minorities are less likely to get diagnosed with cancer verses whites, patients with lower socioeconomic statuses are less likely to received diabetic services, and many more. In order to eliminate some there disparities it must first be recognized by others that it is a serious problem. These problems have been around for years; therefore the public must put pressure on the policymakers to promote change. In order†¦show more content†¦There are certain steps to developing a health care policy. The first is the action taken after a legal or judicial decision can often lead to the creation of a new health policy or program. This can stem from any legal action taken against a physician or insurance company by a patient or their family. The second step is to develop the regulation, guidelines, and implementation for the new program, as they have been described in the new law. Many believe that the new health polices should be form by policy experts, but the use of health care professional can serve as an asset in developing these polices. Health care professional are truly the resident experts when it come to health care need. They can provide valuable information for implementing a policy. Health care professional who are adamant about a particular health issue can become for involved by helping to create prevention measure and education the public. One example would be to speak a public health functions or help create educational publication about a health issue. Health professionals can also promote the proposal of new legislation they feel can benefit the health care industry. They can also support the proposed legislation of o ther health professional. Due to their expert levels they are more likely to make a difference in

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Efficiency Of Human Resource Management Department

The efficiency of human resource management department is improved. The main factors that affect the work efficiency of human resources management department include: monthly payroll calculation and processing, staff attendance and leave processing, employee information management, etc.. These transactions tend to continue to occupy a large number of human resource management personnel. Manual operation is not only inefficient and error prone, the application of information technology in the management of human resources, will greatly reduce the routine work occupies the proportion of human resource managers to time, freed from the daily affairs of the management personnel. Information technology emphasizes employee self-service, if the employee s personal information has changed, he himself can be through the information technology platform to update their information, after a certain approval, the program can take effect. Similarly, for the training, holiday applications, reimburse ment and other day-to-day administrative affairs can also be used for similar processing. This not only reduces the workload of human resources management for data acquisition, validation and update, but also to ensure the quality of the data and data update speed. This greatly improves the work efficiency of human resources management department, and thus can have more time to think about the problem of strategic level. Business processes in the human resource management department areShow MoreRelatedCompany Analysis : Hmt Electric1635 Words   |  7 Pagesinclude the following: Warehouse and Logistics department (Inbound Logistics), Field Crews (Operations), Project Management Group (Outbound Logistics), Estimating department Business Development (Marketing Sales), and Service Warranty department (Service). 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Taxi Driver Essay Research Paper Taxi DriverThe free essay sample

Cab Driver Essay, Research Paper Cab Driver The Martin Scorsese movie Taxi Driver represents a # 8220 ; descent into snake pit # 8221 ; through society # 8217 ; s credence of erotica, force and solitariness. The characters of Travis, Betsy, Senator Palantine and Iris are all typical of existent people, either surrounded by or populating in a universe of prevarications. After the rider ( or spectator ) gets into the cab, the driver begins with a bleary circuit of the grungy, dark and blue streets of New York and the faceless people that walk them. Though the streets are crowded, everyone is entirely. Many wander to the sleaze strips to see the X-rated movies that are now socially accepted by most of New York # 8217 ; s dwellers. As Travis says to Betsy when she mentions that she doesn # 8217 ; t like that sort of movie: # 8220 ; No, no. This is a film a batch of twosomes come to # 8221 ; . This shows the credence of society towards perversion, as if Betsy should bask that peculiar sort of movie merely because other people do. We will write a custom essay sample on Taxi Driver Essay Research Paper Taxi DriverThe or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Even if the bulk of people do something, it does non needfully do it all right. As good, society has begun to accept force. As Travis walks towards Wizard to acquire some advice, the camera looks down the block to a twosome of cocottes being harassed and assaulted by some immature trouble makers with ironss. This behaviour is ignored by all that see it. Travis looks the other manner, as if to state: # 8220 ; Hey, it happens all the clip, so that makes it all right # 8221 ; , subconsciously feeding his disgust with the trash of the universe. Subsequently, as Travis follows Iris and her friend from his cab, a big, ferocious black m an storms down the street shouting â€Å"I’m gon na kill him! † which besides goes unnoticed. Violence appears to be the solution to all jobs in this movie. The alone cab driver represents the stray people that walk the streets of New York. Although many of the people walk with others, they are still entirely. As Travis says in the scene where Betsy is introduced, # 8220 ; She is entirely. No 1 can touch her # 8221 ; . He is attracted to her because he sees himself in her ; they are two really lonely people, untouched by the other worlds around them. The cab driver sits in his driver # 8217 ; s place with a stony wall built up around him, debaring the trash thrown in his way. His ears are asleep from the many lies he has heard and the prevarications he himself has come to believe. Travis sees himself as a guardian angel sent down from Heaven to salvage the good from Hell. Travis is best described by the line # 8220 ; He # 8217 ; s a prophesier and a thruster, partially truth and partially fiction # 8221 ; . This line foreshadows that Travis wants to be the # 8216 ; rain # 8217 ; that will rinse the crud off, and that he will make something bad in the name of goodness. Betsy works in the run office of Senator Palantine. Like most politicians, Palantine ever knows the right thing to state to acquire the ballots, even though he doesn # 8217 ; t intend any of it. Betsy surrounds herself with these prevarications, as does Iris who believes that Sport ( her procurer ) truly cares for her. She lives in a snake pit of drugs and harlotry, where she is losing the artlessness of her young person far in front of her clip. It all ends with a explosion of blood and force, as the # 8216 ; rain # 8217 ; comes down to rinse the trash off.