Friday, December 27, 2019

Core Motivations for the Utilisation of Internet in Holiday Planning and Booking Free Essay Example, 2000 words

One of the elements and aspects of information gathered online include the fact that information gathered online are detailed and more diverse (Nalin, 2014). As such, a visitor or prospective tourist can get a wide array of information that can give him an informed view of the destination and hence make the journey more interesting and more worthwhile (OECD, 2012). Through the Internet, a prospective visitor can get all the information she needs objectively and subjectively (Nalin, 2014). Therefore, if a tourist has unique needs and expectations, he could potentially gather as much information as possible and come up with a good plan that will suit his or her needs. This is opposed to traditional approaches of gathering information in ways and means through magazines, television shows and calling a given tourism center or many different accommodation entities to gather information. Everything is available online. One of the benefits that come with the abundance of information via th e Internet is the ability to make comparisons (Mariani, et al. , 2014). This is because an average tourist can get a lot of information about accommodation in a given place by just a click of a mouse or the flip of a smartphone. We will write a custom essay sample on Core Motivations for the Utilisation of Internet in Holiday Planning and Booking or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page This is because most online portals and payment systems are streamlined. And it is easy to pay money across different currency units without any major disparities, issues, and confusion. This makes the Internet the desired option of carrying out activities because it is objective and there is no sign of cheating or any attempts to take advantage of any one (Nalin, 2014).

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Fighting Drug Cartels On The Americas - 712 Words

Committee: UNODC Country: Nigeria Topic: Fighting Drug Cartels in the Americas Delegate: Angel Rivera Fighting Drug Cartels in the Americas Background Drug cartels have arisen as a major crisis for the future in the Americas. Individuals indulge themselves on drugs for many reasons such as tradition, attempting to escape poverty, and generating revenue for rebellious activities. Drug trafficking has proven to be ludacris, with the increasing involvement of corrupt government officials in their distribution. The UN has stated the approximate estimation of profits of drug trade is roughly around $150 billion alone in the Americas, which accounts slightly less than 5% GDP. Currently the most common way of drug transport is land through Central American countries like Mexico, and it eventually crosses over the border to the United States. II. UN Involvement The United Nations has kept a vibrant presence in Latin America as a way to combat issues such as inequality, poverty, prevention of domestic violence and gender violence, along with actions to reduce cartel interactions with Latin American society and infrastructures. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime have detailed reports regarding various drugs and the progress made to eliminate their production. The main countries monitored by this report are Colombia and Peru, as they are the largest producers of cocaine globally. In Colombia, government records displayed proof of various regions being sprayed inShow MoreRelatedMovements Rising from Drug Cartels in Mexico1277 Words   |  5 PagesFelipe Calderon decided to send 45,000 soldiers and 5,000 federal police to the state of Michoacà ¡n to eradicate the drug trafficking. He also fired hundreds of dishonest police officers. The drug trafficking movement is not a new movement. It has been existed for many decades, but now it is expanding further due to the born of new drug trafficking organizations or cartels. The cartels fight against each other to win control or to open new trafficking routes into the United States, on their fightsRead MoreThe Zetas vs. Sinaloa Cartel1419 Words   |  6 PagesProject Final Draft The War between the two major drug cartels in Mexico, Los Zetas and the Sinaloa Drug Cartel, has exploded to new extremes and is now affecting multiple countries. There are multiple cartels in Mexico who control certain sections of the country, but all have aligned with one or the other of the two Goliaths. This war started over the drug routes stemming from southern Mexico to the United States of America. The Sinaloa Cartel has controlled these routes for many decades; howeverRead MoreThe High Cost of Drugs972 Words   |  4 Pages Heres a look at what I believe more people need to know about the Mexican Drug War and Cartel. The Mexican drug cartels have been like a disease spreading like a wild fire all over Mexico over the years. The Mexican government has been fighting a war with drug traffickers for a long time. Also, drug cartels have been fighting with each other for control of territories in Mexico. Over 60,000 people have been killed from 2006 to 2012, according to H uman Rights Watch. Many people have been robbedRead MoreDrug Cartel Violence And Mexico1616 Words   |  7 PagesI told you the drug cartel violence in Mexico is still one of the largest drug distributions in the world. The drug cartel violences taking place in Mexico have been going on for many years now and nobody has really tried to put a stop to it. Although Mexican drug cartels have existed for several decades, their influences have increased. Mexican drug cartels now dominate the wholesale illegal drug market. Arrests of key cartel leaders have led to increasing drug violence as cartels fight for controlRead MoreThe Impact Of Latin American Culture On Latin America1656 Words   |  7 Pagesin an active war zone, living in Latin America would be much like that. The war being fought here is very different, instead of fighting another country, they are fighting drugs. Although war is generally a negative thing, this one is not. In this war there are negatives, but the positive s far outweigh them. Latin American countries have witnessed the very noticeable benefits of the drug trade in many aspects of everyday life. The use and production of drugs is important to Latin American cultureRead MoreMexican Drug War Outline816 Words   |  4 PagesCarpenter, Ted. Undermining Mexico’s Dangerous Drug Cartels. Cato Institute. N.p.. Web. 23 Jul 2013. lt;;. Al-Eryani, Ausan. Mexico’s drug war effects US as well. Collegiate Times. Virginia Tech. Web. 23 Jul 2013. lt;;. Grillo, Ioan. US troops aid Mexico in drug war. Global Post. N.p.. Web. 23 Jul 2013Read MoreCausal Analysis Of Mexico And Theu.s.1440 Words   |  6 PagesOver the past decade drug cartels has had a free flow through Central America to import illegal drugs to the U.S. Even with a strict drug policy drugs are still crossing the Mexican border. Due to corruption and political influence drug cartels are able to manipulate the government to go undetected. The drug cartel is infamous for their ability to kidnapped, corrupt, and kill anyone trying to crackdown or expose any operation. Due to this corruption within local governments drug activity has been ableRead MoreThe Problem Of Illegal Immigration1046 Words   |  5 PagesRecently, illegal immigration has been a major issue that has affected many civilians in America. This problem has been made from migrates who try to enter the country of America without any form of identification, currency, education, or medical stability. These im migrants also bring disease, drugs, weapons, and cartels. The main problem America is having with illegal immigrants is that they are difficult to provide for. Many migrants are using the government as a source of income. Our economy canRead Moreâ€Å"The War On Drugs Is A Big Fucking Lie†. In Recent History,1560 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"The war on drugs is a big fucking lie† In recent history, there has been much rhetoric surrounding the eradication of cross-border drug trafficking. The â€Å"war on drugs† was introduced in the 1970s by Nixon, who wanted to eliminate the drugs coming into the United States, since they were seen by him as a threat to our nation. Many laws have been enacted with the purpose keeping illicit drugs out of the United States, yet they do so through the use of nativist ideology, which upholds white supremacyRead MoreThe United States Of America1419 Words   |  6 PagesThere a War Going on; but Who Fighting It? Within nine months of 2011 nearly 13,000 people were killed, not include the other 5,000 people reported missing accord to the National Human Rights Commission in Mexico, these incomprehensible numbers leave tens of thousands of children orphaned by the violence due to the drug war. With so many confirmed deaths, and disappearances, it may lead people to ask why the United States of America should get involved in the drug war going on in Mexico. To protect

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Sex Education in Schools The Argument Continues Essay Example For Students

Sex Education in Schools The Argument Continues Essay Kali Thompson Audience Analysis: I am writing to the seven chairmen of the Manatee County School Board. They are a made up of a group of five men and two women. They are most likely all parents who have a common concern on the material being taught on the issue of Sex Education in schools. Fellow parents vote on them to insure that they make the correct decisions on what their kids are learning in school. They are all from some form of the Christian religion. They are from ages 30 and older. They represent all races. They all have a college degree and the majority of them have doctorate degree in education. They are mainly from the upper economic levels in society. The chairmen are very dedicated to their jobs and take a great deal of consideration when voting on school board codes/regulations. Therefore, they are willing to hear both sides of an issue that is to be voted on due to its importance. Sex Education In Schools: The Argument Continues Sex education in schools has been a long debated subject among parents, teachers, government officials and students. The need for sex education has increased due the higher numbers of teen pregnancy and STD cases among school age kids. The pregnancy rate has more than double and teens have the highest rate of STD cases among all of the age groups (DeCarlo 1). The major questions are the type of material that should be discussed and whether the programs are actually helping the problem or adding to it. There are a lot of other questions that branch off from the major ones also. Since sex education has already been around for decades, it is very necessary for us to determine the effects of the educational programs over the years. This will help us to verify the quality of lessons being taught in the classes. The need for sex education is very questionable in todays society. An article by Pamela DeCarlo, from the Centre for AIDS Prevention Studies, discusses why sex education is needed in schools. She asks why education on this subject is needed and if will help or hurt todays children. Her view of the issue is that kids do need to have education to help to protect them but that it isnt enough to prevent them from receiving STDs and becoming pregnant. Knowledge alone is not enough to change behaviors. DeCarlo also says that, Programs that rely mainly on conveying information about sex or moral precepts-how the bodys sexual system functions, what teens should and shouldnt do-have failed. However, programs that focus on helping teenagers to change their behavior-using role playing, games, and exercises that strengthen social skills-have shown signs of success. On the other hand some believe that sex education is necessary but that it should be taught using only terms and definitions (Hedgepeth 1). Some fear that it means teaching them how to have sex if it is not taught using on vocabulary (Hedgepeth 7). I think that because of the importance of sex education people are more likely to stress over the issues about it. Parents want to be sure that what is being taught is appropriate and meaningful to the students. That brings me to the next major question asked about sex education: what type of material should be covered and who decides what is right and what is wrong. It is very obvious that 30 or even 40 years ago, there was a different opinion on what should be taught to the children of that age and of generations to come (Pruit, Song 1). With the ever changing statistics in teen pregnancy and higher rates of STDs among children, the topic is brought up that more should be taught on prevention rather than on what is right or wrong, more or less the values being taught. The most crucial part of sex education is good and effective communication. We all know that when it comes to talking about sex education teachers and students become very anxious and embarrassed (Whitehead 13). In todays schools some of the subjects discussed are reproduction, abuse, gender identity, anatomy, relationship skills, building social .

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Notes outstanding Losers Review Essay Example

Notes outstanding Losers Review Paper Essay on Notes outstanding Losers Yes, wonderful miniatures, judging by the fact that you have posted. I always have the most cautious attitude towards teachers. A few words about class struggle. Ive always been sort of unbearable standard pedagogical tone that we were fed at school for life. Some of our guys had been long taught. Once to the horror I suddenly in a simple conversation with one of the teaching classmates heard the most sickening familiar song tone delivered a high. Apparently, this infection is transmitted as an infection. The feeling was indescribable like from the tub poured over! All sympathy like a hand. Over a lifetime, I saw a couple of teachers who did not have anything like this at all become friends for life. But in the life of: Who did the homework? Nobody sdela al Ta-a-ak Good-oh-oh I remember once our teacher Russian-lang and lit-ry (aka klassn.ruk) asked me to learn a poem in 8 lines, a couple of minutes I tried to slip away from the event for which the preparation of it and said that he was ready. She immediately checked and slapped a compliment: Well, you have memory HORSE! The line came up we are not a lot of horse well more silent Thats the folk literature. Until now, she teaches, although long retired. I asked here once in a meeting and did not know whether she Nahum Korzhavina It turned out there On the other hand, my humanitarian convict inclinations it at the time and noticed a couple of times that I have gone in vain in physics and mathematics. university. But we are not, lets not talk about sad things . Joke, ranked in the title not mine, I must warn. I heard it from his brother, who is older than me by 9 years, that is a joke most bearded veteran author the people, as always. Notes outstanding Losers Review Essay Example Notes outstanding Losers Review Paper Essay on Notes outstanding Losers Why so little written childrens books, which I would like to read and discuss with your child? For children, in fact, it is extremely difficult to write! You can not get off on the falsity and artifice: they feel everything. Maybe it can not explain, but I feel! In addition, the readers taste is formed in childhood, so it is advisable not to hammer the head of the child any attendant Agafia, and then they will develop immunity to read! Givargizov became a discovery for me this summer. 70 little stories about the Losers and honors, about girls and boys, teachers, parents, neighbors Heroes set, they all fall into absurd situations, and, of course, pravdv always on the side of children! A teacher simply has too long been working at the school, thats learned to share everyones Losers and honors, among which conducted a real class struggle (which I have read on some blog). The teacher calls outstanding Losers and repeaters at the teachers meeting, but are confounded, because his idleness is under a serious philosophical motivated, In China there is nothing that can be compared with the use of non-action in this law the heavenly Tao began Serge When will.. destroyed scholarship, then there will be and Printing and, said Sergei, and took a deep breath, Nick, to cure his grandfather, who had contracted the most severe disease in the world, .u Koli ill grandfather Neither temperature, no cough, no runny nose, he had not just sad grandfather lying on the couch.. He said that he was not interested - saves him by asking to show the ninth wave. Parents forget the name of the place where goes their son and where he gets the mark. We will write a custom essay sample on Notes outstanding Losers Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Notes outstanding Losers Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Notes outstanding Losers Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer History is very stubby, insanely funny, and, of course, especially for adults, so they do not forget every day, They were children and are not turned into old nerds! Well, the children read Givargizov happy, laugh, and certainly they know that they will not be as adults ever!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Ronald Ryan Essay

Ronald Ryan Essay Ronald Ryan Essay Who: Ronald Ryan What: Ronald Ryan was convicted of murder of George Hodson and was given a death penalty due to an escape from the Pentridge prison on the 19th of December 1965. This occurred when Ryan heard his wife was seeking a divorce, and decided to plan an escape with fellow imprisoner Peter John Walker, which he met when he was placed into the B division. Before he had been convicted of murder, Ryan was charged with Burglary, Identity theft and several drug crimes. The murder of George Hodson occurred when Hodson had rushed out to the 1st post as he was having â€Å"lunch† prior to the first whistle of when Ryan and Walker had escaped onto the Pentridge car park and drove off in a car. Hodson chased after the two men, Ryan and walker, throughout the Sydney Rd intersection, O’hea Street, Champ Street and in-between cars as Ryan was trying to commander them to get around the cars. Ryan had had a rifle with them also, but before he had aimed at Hodson, William Bennet was standing o n the second floor aiming his rifle towards Ryan and Walker. At that stage walker was being chased by Hodson, so Ryan had taken a couple of steps forward and shot Hodson, as he fell to the ground... he had been struck by 1 bullet. Ryan and Walker then had continued to be on the run towards the west. When: December 19th, 1965 @ 2pm (He escaped from prison) Died, 3rd February 1967 How: It started by Ryan’s wife’s decision which tempted him to escape to figure was going on. Why: After Ryan had found out that his wife was seeking for a divorce, he organised an escape plan with his fellow prisoner friend Peter John Walker, which he met when he was placed in B division. He then also decided a plan to take himself and his family and fly to Brazil where there was no extradition treaty with Australia. Why was he in jail? He was in jail due to Burglary, Identity theft and Drug crimes. What is capital punishment? Capital punishment is the legal and authorized killing of a person as a result of a punishment for committing a crime. When was it abolished in Australia? Capital punishment was abolished in 1975. This was taken into consideration after the Ronald Ryan case in 1967. Was Ronald Ryan an innocent man? There is an uncertainty if Ronald Ryan had shot him, Or the prison guard Robert Patterson which had fired a shot from the wall of the prison. Patterson had insisted that his rifle was aimed into the air to avoid a bystander. The second guard Doug Pascoe, had also admitted shooting but the police

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Family and Divorce essays

Family and Divorce essays Research has shown a rising divorce rate and reasons as to why this may be the case. Some of these reasons are womens independence, economic issues, infidelity, and finally role confusion. Divorce has negative effects on children especially in areas such as school work, behavior, social and cognitive development. Children are not affected the same. Boys and girls as well as the age of the child when the divorce occurs are factors that can determine how a child may be affected. Because divorce often leads to single parent homes, children must learn to adjust living with one parent. Overall, children are negatively affected before, during, and after the divorce. In recent decades everything from technology to the economy has changed drastically. Social changes include rising divorce rates and the emergence of new family configurations. According to Meyerhoff (n.d.), a doctor of education, Families offer companionship, security, and a measure of protection against an often uncaring world (section 1, para.1).When a family changes and is split up by divorce, this uncaring world becomes more evident. Divorce can be controversial as it defies the myth of the family. The myth of the family is understood that a man and woman wed their love to each other in holy matrimony and then proceed to have children. It is then when the family is understood to have been formed. When the marriage terminates, changes in the family structure take place. As the divorce rate rises, changes in family configurations negatively affect the children mentally, socially, and emotionally. Statistics show (Meyerhoff, n.d) that 50% of first time marriages end in divorce while 60% of second marriages end in divorce (section 1, para.1). In past generations, the divorce rate was not as high as it is today, and there are a few reasons this has become the case. Some of the main reasons for divorce are: womens increasing i...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Human Sexuality and Diversity in The Renaissance Drama Essay

Human Sexuality and Diversity in The Renaissance Drama - Essay Example There has been a double standard for men and women reflected in English Renaissance Drama and may be said to mirror the social life of the age. Further, the growing importance of women in commercial and social spheres was examined in the drama, and Louis B. Wright concludes that This activity and boldness of women, especially women of the middle class, aroused the ire of conservatives who vented their displeasure in pulpit, and were answered by staunch defenders of the virtues of the criticized sex. Even stage plays took up the cudgels. This divergence of opinion on the subject of women can be seen by cataloguing some of the satirists and defenders of the sex. the most famous detractors are the author of Schole house of women (about 1542) and attributed to Edward Gosenhill; John Knox, The Monstrous Regiment of Women ( 1558); Philip Stubbes, The Anatomie of Abuses ( 1583); Stephen Gosson, Quippes for Upstart Newfangled Gentlewomen ( 1595); and Joseph Swetnam , The Araignment of Lewd, idle, froward and unconstant women ( 1615), as well as the anonymous author of Hic Mulier or the Man-Woman ( 1620). The attacks did not go unanswered. Indeed in the case of Sir Thomas Elyot Defence of Good Women ( 1540), praise preceded attack. Other notable defenders of women were Edward More in The Defence of Women and Especially of Englyshe Women ( 1560); Nicholas Breton The Praise of Virtuous Ladies ( 1599); and Daniel Tuvil Asylum Veneris ( 1616). Finally women writers began to appear. ... Indeed in the case of Sir Thomas Elyot Defence of Good Women ( 1540), praise preceded attack. Other notable defenders of women were Edward More in The Defence of Women and Especially of Englyshe Women ( 1560); Nicholas Breton The Praise of Virtuous Ladies ( 1599); and Daniel Tuvil Asylum Veneris ( 1616). Finally women writers began to appear. The first is Rachel Speght, who in 1617, wrote A Mouzell for Melastomus, The Cynical Bayter of, and foule mouthed Barker against Evahs Sex, which was an attempt to silence the notorious Swetnam, as well as the weighty biblical anti-feminism which, largely by interpretation, held that woman was inferior to man. In a systematic effort to refute old arguments against women, Rachel Speght writes: Secondly, the materiall cause, or matter whereof woman was made, was of a refined mould, if I may so speake: for man was created of the dust of the earth, but woman was made of a part of man, after that he was a living soule; yet was shee not produced from Adams foote, to be his low inferiour; nor from his head to be his superiour, but from his side, neare his heart, to be his equall; that where he is Lord, she may be Lady: and therefore saith God concerning man and woman jointly, 'Let them rule over the fish of the sea, & over the fowles of the Heaven, & over every beast that moueth upon the earth:' by which words, he makes their authority equall, & all creatures to be in subjection unto them both. This being rightly considered, doth teach men to make such account of their wives, as Adam did of Eve, 'This is bone of my bone, & flesh of my flesh:' As also, that they neither doe or with any more hurt unto them, then unto their owne bodies: for men oughte to love their wives as themsel ves, because hee that loves