Friday, December 27, 2019

Core Motivations for the Utilisation of Internet in Holiday Planning and Booking Free Essay Example, 2000 words

One of the elements and aspects of information gathered online include the fact that information gathered online are detailed and more diverse (Nalin, 2014). As such, a visitor or prospective tourist can get a wide array of information that can give him an informed view of the destination and hence make the journey more interesting and more worthwhile (OECD, 2012). Through the Internet, a prospective visitor can get all the information she needs objectively and subjectively (Nalin, 2014). Therefore, if a tourist has unique needs and expectations, he could potentially gather as much information as possible and come up with a good plan that will suit his or her needs. This is opposed to traditional approaches of gathering information in ways and means through magazines, television shows and calling a given tourism center or many different accommodation entities to gather information. Everything is available online. One of the benefits that come with the abundance of information via th e Internet is the ability to make comparisons (Mariani, et al. , 2014). This is because an average tourist can get a lot of information about accommodation in a given place by just a click of a mouse or the flip of a smartphone. We will write a custom essay sample on Core Motivations for the Utilisation of Internet in Holiday Planning and Booking or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page This is because most online portals and payment systems are streamlined. And it is easy to pay money across different currency units without any major disparities, issues, and confusion. This makes the Internet the desired option of carrying out activities because it is objective and there is no sign of cheating or any attempts to take advantage of any one (Nalin, 2014).

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